I want your feedback. What are you doing while listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast? This week, I'm gonna share a bunch of feedback from the past couple o'years.
Poisoned Dwarf, Seldom Sober, Songs For Ceilidh, Mitchell & Vincent, Ciunas, Kennedy's Kitchen, Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus, Kellswater Bridge, Captain John Stout, The Jig Is Up! from First Steps, Brobdingnagian Bards, Dylan Walshe, Sylvia Woods, The Jackdaws, Claire Roche, Black Market Haggis, Crepuscule, The Round Table, Tartanic, The Celtic Kitchen Party, Moch Pryderi, Teton Skye, Alexander James Adams, Molly's Revenge, Celtic Woman, O'hanleigh, Ciana, Vintage Wildflower, Katherine Nagy, Bellow Bridge, Jil Chambless
I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show with ONE friend.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember also to Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, I'll send you a few cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today. Thank you again for being a Celt of Kindness.
0:05 - "Bolt The Door" by Poisoned Dwarf from Bolt The Door
5:58 - WELCOME
7:25 - "The Ferryman / Mason's Apron" by Seldom Sober from Six Months of Confession
11:24 - "Rothsea-0" by Songs For Ceilidh from Falling Forward
14:36 - Alexis Fickes emailed: "Hey Marc, I am Alexis and I just wanted to tell you that I love the podcast, especially #426. I listen to the podcast on the bus and while I paint. Absolutely amazing. I love that there’s someone who appreciates the artists and music like this. Keep doing you!!"
Simon Dillon emailed a photo: "Hello Marc. Although over month ago, this photo shows me driving back from Canberra to my home town Bendigo (700km) while listening to your podcast. Myself and my friend, and fellow musician, Keven McCarthy had just spent the Easter long weekend at the Australian National Folk Festival presenting “Songs From The Australian Tradition” session on each day of the festival. Australia has many traditional songs. Many of these songs use traditional Irish melodies or are even parodies of traditional Irish songs.
The Nation Folk Festival was one of 3 festivals the Kevin and I attended in South Eastern Australia over 17 days around Easter. We started at the Lake Cullulleraine Music Festival, then the National Folk Festival and ended up at the Koroit Irish Festival. By the time I arrived back home, we had covered 2800 km and listened to many Irish and Celtic Music Podcasts, the quintessential road trip podcast. Keep up the great work.
16:13 - "Seven Stars, The Sloe" by Mitchell & Vincent from The Preservation of Fire
19:18 - "Celtic Tiger" by Ciunas from High Time
22:59 - Ruben Lopez emailed a photo: "I heard the podcast #393, and was drawing. Here's the drawing. Have a good one."
Alexander Randall 5th emailed a photo: "Hey Marc: I put your sticker on my car... I should put one on the boat, but only fish and mermaids would see it..."
Conor Coll emailed: "Hey Marc, Just replying to let you know I received the music you sent and I am currently listening to them, still trying to decide between my favourite!
As an Irish man I have been hearing Celtic music all my life and it takes me back to a lovely atmosphere when I listen to these tracks. Recently, I have been following a band which I had done a little camera work with in the past, The Ronan Gallagher Band. They are very talented and are from the region I come from, so I am a big fan of their music. They are what inspired me to look for more traditional music which lead me to this newsletter."
Submit music to the podcast at 4celts.com.
25:00 - "Eoin O'neill Has Gone To Clare" by Kennedy's Kitchen from The Whiskey of Truth
30:25 - "Lady Louisa Gordon's Strathspey / The Highlands of Banffshire / The Merrymaking" by Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus from Return to Kintail
34:50 - Marshall Blosser emailed: "Greetings Celtfather, I've been listening to your podcast for well over a decade. We've circled around nearby cities, but never met. You moved to New Orleans just as I moved from there to the Mississippi gulf coast. And now you are in my old stomping grounds of Atlanta.
My family is moving from the Mississippi gulf coast to the eastern most city in North America (St John's NL) so my wife can get her PhD in analytical chemistry. (I know you understand about moving to support your wife)
We will be driving there mid December (all 54 hours of it). Apart from episode 421 the long drive - that's an understatement - we would like to have a few CDs to pass the time on the road. I know there is a large Celtic music scene up there. Do you know of any St John's or Newfoundland Celtic artists that we could buy to support and listen to on the way there?
Thanks muchly,
P.S. I am an aspiring writer and your podcasts have inspired several stories (now if I could just get published) Txs again. Keep the Celtic light burning, in all its colors"
Marshall Blosser emailed: "Marc, I have enjoyed your podcast for over 12 years. The variety of music you bring to this show never fails to inspire and amaze me. The fact that you follow the roots of the music and the tendrils of its influence show just how connected the world is and how music is one of those things that can unite everyone. You understand and respect that musically there is no one Celtic musical voice. But rather that it is a rich and varied chorus of voices that make up that sound. I applaud the fact that you are seeking musicians and tunes for a Celtic LGBTQIA+ Pride special next year. The fact that you stand for the diversity that makes this music so touching and valuable is wonderful and so needed everywhere. Peace and may you never lose your laughter, your joy or your autoharp Marshall Blosser"
38:08 - "Keys to the Castle" by Kellswater Bridge from The Proof Is in the Pudding
42:32 - "Hail to the Autumn" by Captain John Stout from Love Abides
46:35 - James Cope emailed: "Hi Marc,Your ebook is a wonderful gift, thank you. I see the changes in the music business, some beneficial, some not so much. Your ideas and knowledge help me as a long time, and older generation musician “unpaid Professional” (mostly) to find where I can land and have the best impact on the art form.
Being upbeat in these changing times is a choice and you are an inspiration. As a friend of mine once said, “Damn! Jim you have made something from nothing!” So…. Damn Marc!! you have made something from nothing. Thanks again."
Melinda emailed: "Marc, I have subscribed to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast - I am still listening to shows from years ago, which was where you played the Joss song, and the "Don't Drink with Hobbits" song, which I LOVE! Shared it with my son who just cracked up with me.
We are in El Paso - as far West as you can get! Have not been to any of the festivals in Texas, but go to Phoenix each year to enjoy the Ren Fest there. Have been to the Ren Fest in Bonner Springs, KS, in MD (think they shut that one down, but it was huge and wonderful!), and AZ. Actually, I am still listening to your podcasts when you still lived in Austin, so didn't know that's not where you lived now :) Would love to see you live. Will have to make sure to listen to the more up to date podcasts to get your latest events - or check your website. Keep up the great work! Slan Agat!
49:33 - "There's Worse Then That Around - Polka Niall - John Walsh" by The Jig Is Up! from First Steps
55:33 - "The Prettiest Hobbit" by Brobdingnagian Bards from I Will Not Sing Along
55:54 - Todd Thorne emailed photos: "Hello Mark, From the attached few pictures, I’ll bet you can instantly figure out where I took the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast this past month. For ages my wife and I aspired to visit Australia and New Zealand. Being two unabashed geeks, we could not make a trip Down Under without dropping in for a tour of Hobbiton. What an amazing day it was conjuring up the feeling that, at any moment, Sam, Frodo or Bilbo might emerge to challenge all of us interlopers in The Shire. While that particular encounter didn’t happen, I did get to talk up the podcast to fellow tourists plus our guide in response to their questions regarding my catchy and quite fetching t-shirt. Hopefully, you’ll pick up a few new worldly fans as a result.
I’ve been a devoted listener to the podcast for many years and credit multiple episodes for enriching and expanding my collection of Celtic music. At last count, some 15 artists have joined my growing mix, which all came about only because you featured them in an episode after they submitted their hopes, ambitions and livelihood for consideration. Thanks to you and all the incredible indie Celtic artists for providing us a way to connect and support what we love.
In closing, here’s an idea to ponder. What about a future Celtic Invasion Vacation to New Zealand? After all, Dunedin in the South Island has a mighty strong Scottish heritage and the Celtic spirit is alive and well I hear. Not to mention Hobbiton beckoning away on the North Island. A bit ambitious perhaps but it would be up there in the Trip of a Lifetime category, which I can definitely vouch for.
My best to you, your family and all the fans in the 2019 new year. Sláinte!
More about A Long Expected Party, next one is in 2020
58:38 - "Cut It Down" by Dylan Walshe from All Manner of Ways
1:02:56 - "Metamorphosis" by Sylvia Woods from The Harp of Brandiswhiere
1:05:37 - Margaret Zavala emailed: "Mark I just want to say thank you for the podcast that you put on. When I travel the world I can still listen to my celtic music. A few shows back, you featured Bangers and mash. well they’re playing near my hometown. in fact playing for two weeks just a five minute drive from my house. thank you for keeping me a contact such wonderful bands"
Rachel Bryant emailed: "Marc, Just dropping you a line to say how much I'm enjoying all your podcasts!! This time of year, I especially appreciate holiday music that is different (and better) than what I'm forced to hear in public.
Today, I am cleaning the house ahead of company, and enjoying the music and a very thematic beer, pic attached. I wish I could mail you some... maybe it's available in your area? I highly recommend this beer.
I try to wear my podcast shirt so I can spread the word! I made a new group of friends that way just a week ago, and we swapped stories of our favorite music venues and Irish/Celtic festivals.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!"
Subscribe to Celtic Christmas Podcast. It starts back up in November!
1:07:14 - "Erin's Revenge" by The Jackdaws from Colors
1:10:59 - "My Mother" by Claire Roche from From Then Until the Here and Now
1:14:58 - Darius emailed photos: "Hello Marc, I came across your wonderful podcast recently & subscribed!
Regarding voting, although all your featured musicians are wonderful, when asked to vote for a specific episode's featured musician, perhaps asking to vote for that particular/featured song would be more appropriate? By that I mean, I have gone back & searched the bands featured but found 2 or 3 songs as my personal favourites. Absolutely no offence to the great bands but I wouldn't go as far as voting them as my favourite bands, rather songs :)
Also, what do you think about either as the final episode of the year or the first episode of the year, featuring the top rated songs of the year, voted by the listeners?
Anyway thank you again and I promise to become a paid subscriber once I have some income.
Currently in the process of starting a sustainable, holistic, self sufficient & off-grid Ecovillage in Canada. More on that if you are interested. Namaste"
Vote in the Celtic Top 20.
Begum Unveroglu emailed a photo: "Hello there! I am listening to Scarborough fair episode on a train trip from Ankara to Istanbul. I am loving your show! By chance, I had opportunity to hear my favorite American Irish Music group the Gothard Sisters!!! Much love"
1:17:26 - "4 Concertina Reel Set" by Black Market Haggis from Better Than It Sounds
1:20:14 - "Rob Roy MacGregor" by Crepuscule from Hap and Rowe
1:23:15 - Dan Kulhanek emailed: "Marc,I was able to receive the downloads. Thank you so much! I use them on my running playlist. I have your podcast to thank for where I am today.
My wife’s family is Scottish and Irish. I am of German heritage. After attending several St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with them, I really started to listen to the music. I stumbled upon your podcast shortly thereafter.
I was a casual listener for a number of years. After the economic collapse of 2008, I found myself without a job. I went back to school to become a nurse and found that I needed to learn how to speed read in order to keep up with the assignments. I used the jigs and reels in your podcast to help keep me on tempo and keep my speed up.
Fast forward several years later....
My daughter wanted to take dance lessons. My mother in law told her that if we enrolled her in Irish or Highland Dance she would pay for lessons. My daughter settled on Highland Dance and we found a group that offered lessons. It was a pipe and drum band with a dance troop. They also offered bagpipe lessons for free. After listening to your podcast for several years, my love for the music had grown so much that I jumped on the opportunity to learn the bagpipes.
I now have become an active member of the band, performing for gigs and the competition team, but I also have branched out on my own as a solo piper.
I look forward to your podcast every week. Please keep up the great work and we’ll keep listening!”
1:25:14 - "Love Is Ever the Strongest Spell" by The Round Table from Tales from the Turning Leaf
1:29:44 - "Jiggy Biddy's Slur Horn" by Tartanic from Uncharted
1:32:46 - Gerry Corr emailed a video: "Marc, Had a great evening listening to your Podcasts…….sitting on the deck on a cool, late summer evening enjoying sweet Uisce Beatha"
Mike Coombs emailed a photo: "Dear Marc, I really love your podcasts! Thank you so much for introducing me to loads of superb bands and singers that otherwise I wouldn’t have heard. I listen mostly in my car. I’m a peripatetic guitar/bass/banjo teacher in the UK. I also play in a barn dance band and compose mostly acoustic guitar based instrumental music.
I hope to be recording my first solo album with a couple of Celtic style tracks in the next few months."
1:34:05 - "Pride of Newfoundland" by The Celtic Kitchen Party from Sociable
1:37:42 - "Welsh Medley" by Moch Pryderi from Jig Moch
1:41:39 - André Paz emailed: "Hey Marc Gunn! I'm a brasilian biologist, musician and flute player. I love your Podcasts, and I always listen to you, mainly while working/studying.
I've started with the Celtic music because of a brasilian band called Tuatha de Danann. I'd like to indicate them for you. I just listened to the "Summer Road Trip #361", and I heard a Brasilian band, Braia! They have almost the same musicians of the band I mentioned. Here follows some other names I remembered, mainly with flute or Whistles on their songs:
Kernunna (BR),
Tuatha de Danann (BR) ,
Braia (BR) ,
Luar na Lubre,
Thanks for your very nice mood, always, and for your inspiration! Enjoy the summer there! Hugs from Brasil"
1:43:04 - "I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave" by Teton Skye from Teton Skye
1:45:55 - "Harvest Season - Second Cutting" by Alexander James Adams from Harvest Season - Second Cutting
1:48:47 - Erika Burkhardt tweeted: "Thanks for episode #371 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Putting it to good use this morning planning lessons at the park."
Sasha, the Travelin' Quaker emailed a photo: "Hi Marc, I saved up several episodes of the show for us to listen to as we hiked part of the Barrow Way on our trip to Ireland (we are still here). It has been great catching live music and recognizing many of the songs I have heard on the show. Thanks again for an amazing show!"
1:49:30 - "Emmet's Hedgehog" by Molly's Revenge With Moira Smiley from The Western Shore
1:54:10 - "Ae Fond Kiss" by Celtic Woman from Ancient Land Deluxe
1:58:03 - Bonfilio Acencio emailed: "Hi Marc. I have been loving the podcast for like 3 years. I work outside landscaping so the music fits the surroundings, although Tennessee hills are not as great as Ireland it will do. But right now I have the great luck to go back and pick some of my favorite episodes, my girlfriend and I are going to the beach and I get to DJ the road trip (well really you do) Give my love to the family and ill let you know how the trip go's. Keep up the amazing work."
Annie Moisan emailed: "Allo Marc, I am from Québec, Canada. I am french so sorry for my english!!! Just for tell you that I love your podcast. I listen it during I'm working (I'm a IT programmer at home). We love Irish music. My husband and I have a duo and we play Irish music not professionnaly but we did a "home CD" two years ago and went to Ireland 4 times now. We like to sing Irish songs in French, English and Irish. We do little show with the projection of our photos of Ireland during we are playing for transmit our love of this country. I specially like harmony voices like The Selkie Girls, Lumiere, Sora, High Kings, Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer. But also Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Caladh Nua, Barrule. Thanks a lot to promote Irish music. We discovered on your podcast many signers and groups that we love. Still continue! With great regards! Annie"
2:00:10 - "Town of Strabane" by O'hanleigh from Of Irish Crossings Told
2:04:19 - "Tom McElvogue's / The Monaghan Twig / Woman of the House" by Ciana from Loneliest Road
2:07:40 - Daniel L emailed photos: "Hey mark! I love the podcast, thanks for being such a dedicated collector and distributer of Celtic music. I listen through Mixcloud, and love to dig into old episodes daily.
My father was a piper and flute player. your podcast is a great way to keep the traditional music I was raised on, in my life.
Here's a pic of me at work (I'm on the left side of the left rig) we rig suspended scaffolding and then paint beautiful signs and advertisements. This one is for Gucci in downtown manhattan. If you zoom I've got my headphones in, listening to your podcast of course!
An (almost) finished picture. And one more of our truck once we packed it all up. Keep doing your thing! Much love from nyc"
2:08:37 - "Sweet Bride" by Vintage Wildflowers from Lovely Madness
2:12:27 - "Gypsy Lady" by Katherine Nagy from Single
2:15:35 - "An Buachillin Ban" by Bellow Bridge from Cautionary Tales
2:19:28 - Jay Martin emailed from San Francisco: "Marc, All right, I Spotified. The first song I heard was "Last Gift" by Marys Lane. That song answers a question from Michael Truman Kavanaugh in show 376. How did that happen? Thanks for the music."
Listen to the Irish & Celtic Music Playlist on Spotify
2:21:46 - "When First I Came to Caledonia" by Jil Chambless from The Ladies Go Dancing
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
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- Each episode list the showing times for each song played on the show. This makes it easy for you to skip around or find an artist you love
- Vote for each of your favorite artist in each episode of the show
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- Listen to the next episode of the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast every week
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com!
VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 With the new year comes a new votes in the Celtic Top 20. This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2019 episode. Vote Now!
THANK YOU PATRONS OF THE PODCAST! Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out every week and has done so since 2014. You can pledge a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month over on Patreon.
Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. Plus, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are super close to getting a two-hour instrumental special.
I want to thank our Patrons of the Podcast:
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast.
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to celticpodcast@gmail.com
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