New York Times columnist Ross Douthat joins Chris to discuss his serialized fantasy novel, The Falcon’s Children. What inspired one of America’s most important political observers to write a work of fantasy, and to serialize it on Substack? What are his hopes for the project? And why is fantasy such a compelling literary genre?
Show Notes
Ross’s novel,
The Falcon’s Children Ross on
Game of Thrones and
J.R.R. Tolkien Ross’s
fantasy bookshelf Patricia Snow on
Hilary MantelCorrection: Bret Easton Ellis did not publish his most recent novel (The Shards) on Substack; it was first serialized as an audiobook. Chris was thinking of Chuck Palahnuik’s latest novel, Shock Induction, which is based on a work he published
serially on Substack.
Thanks to our sponsor, Brandybuck’s Tobacco.
Opening and closing music: “
Spit It Out” by Brendan Benson, used with permission from the artist.