A podcast discussing exciting topics in economics, politics, and history.
Check out our podcasts and the research papers that accompany them at inflationnation.co.uk
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A podcast discussing exciting topics in economics, politics, and history.
Check out our podcasts and the research papers that accompany them at inflationnation.co.uk
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss the Guyanese economy, the management of its oil discovery, and propositions for its future. You can find Arjun's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss the differences between the economies of Singapore and Jamaica and how Machiavelli's principles apply.
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss Nilan's research paper on the FBI's investigation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and whether the investigation was justified. We all deeply admire Dr. King's work but are interested in understanding an alternate perspective. You can find Nilan's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss the market structure of the NCAA. You can find Arjun's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss brought in a guest to discuss his case against the minimum wage. You can find Jason's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.
Thanks for listening to Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss the history and effect of the 1982 court case, USA vs. AT&T. You can find Jei Han's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.
Thanks for listening to the inaugural episode of Inflation Nation. In this episode, we discuss the benefits and downsides of Cap-and-Trade, a way to mitigate climate change. You can find Arjun's research paper under the Research Paper tab of our website.