All aboard! The band uses the proceeds from their last adventure to get some much needed R&R on a music cruise.
Shoozie reunites with an old flame, Kriegin gets a new attitude, Johnny helps some punks with a project, and Skadi is ridiculously over-served.
Featured Music: Cause for Alarm by Future Girls and Moonrock by Milker’s Wanted
Dungeon Punks is recorded and produced by Kirk Hamilton for the Podcasts of Doom Network.
This episode is sponsored by the Storm Crow Alliance: The Nerdiest Bars in Canada with two locations in Vancouver and one in Toronto!
If you live in Vancouver, did you know you can hire your own Dungeon Master through the Storm Crow Alliance? You get to choose your own RPG, anything from D&D 5e to Pathfinder to whatever you want to play, they have DM that can run it! You can book a group for 5-6 of your friends and it includes food. They also do One Shot Adventures and DM workshops for individuals every month. Our very DM and Everyone’s Podcast Dad(tm), Stu Popp, is one of the DMs in the program so you could have him run your next game! Head to to sign up!
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