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Five Insightful and Entertaining Black Produced Podcasts

Five Insightful and Entertaining Black Produced Podcasts

As a summer of unprecedented unrest persists in major cities, a fractured country and the race divide is at the forefront of many conversations. One look at your social media feeds these days, and it’s unmistakable that we live in the most polarizing era of our lives (for most of us under 45).

In this article, we’re going to highlight podcasts hosted by people of color. It’s something that we at TopPodcast should have featured long ago, and we promise to highlight podcasts of all cultures and creeds moving forward, assuring our visitors will be introduced to a diverse plethora of relevant cultural podcasts. In this piece we will take a look at a wide variety of shows ranging from comedy to parental advice from black produced hosts and writers. You can choose to listen to any podcast right here on TopPodcast.com, and then subscribe to where you listen regularly.

This American Negro hosted by Marquise Richards.

This American Negro is a podcast that aims to dismantle the barrier between academic research and the marginalized groups they do the research on. Topics include the legacy of Malcolm X, discussing the education system, and Black Theater. This podcast will explore cultural events, personal experiences, and history to poke at a more nuanced conversation. Marquise is indignant towards the problems that the Black community faces, that energy combined with his inquisitive nature provides for an educational and interesting listen.

Mom and Dad are Fighting hosted by Jamilah Lemieux, Dan Kois, and Elizabeth Newcamp

In this podcast series Jamilah Lemieux, Dan Kois, and Elizabeth Newcamp share triumphs and failures. The hosts offer advice on parenting kids from toddler to teens. Slate has brought these three together to shine a light on the variety of hurdles that parents face. Jamilah Lemiuex is a writer, cultural critic and an extremely powerful voice as a black feminist, her perspective is valuable and one that white people could benefit from hearing. This podcast has a dash of comedy in a pot of sincerity. If you are looking for parenting advice from a multi-racial crew, this is the show for you.

The Read hosted by Kid Fury and Crissle

Like a few other podcasts, the Read was adapted for television. However, Kid Fury and Crissle still host a weekly podcast covering hip-hop and pop culture’s most trying stars. Throwing shade and spilling tea, no star is safe from Fury and Crissle. The Read gives insight into black culture that is not necessarily available in the mainstream. 

Bodega Boys hosted by Desus Nice & The Kid Mero

This podcast is toxic, non-educational, and filled with context and inside jokes. I can’t stop listening. Desus & Mero sky-rocketed to stardom after their show on Viceland became a mega hit and moved to Showtime. Truth be told, the Bodega Boys Podcast is one of the filthiest and least politically correct pieces of media available, however their jokes are never hurtful. If you enjoy improv comedy, pornography, and 90’s hip-hop, this show is for you.

Code Switch hosted by Shereen Marisol Meraji, Gene Dembym, and Karen Grigsby Bates

Code switching is a term that means “switching your cadence and speech depending on who you are talking to.” In a primarily white society, black and brown people feel the need to ‘whiten-up’ their language to avoid judgement. This NPR podcast has the tagline “Race in Your Face” Hosted by journalists of color, this podcast tackles subjects of race head-on, politics, pop culture, history, sports and everything in between. This show provides tremendous insight into issues faced by people of color.